营销B.S. 和小

Learn to construct strategic marketing plans and apply marketing concepts to real-world experiences.


市场营销是商业的关键驱动力. 世界上充满了创新产品, 服务, 技术, 解决方案, 商业模式, 等., and a business has to know how to get their new offerings to market and gain the attention of their target audience. 里克的B.S. in marketing program teaches you how to research and analyze data important for the promotion of 产品s and 服务 and how to build a business, 消息, 产品, service and support around attracting and serving a defined customer group.






在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.







  • 为市场决策分析数据
  • 将全球视角整合到营销问题和挑战中
  • 设计探索性和描述性的市场研究
  • apply principles of consumer behavior to marketing issues and challenges
  • 制定战略营销计划
  • 运用市场细分和产品定位的概念


W​hy or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession?

Management and marketing professionals need to have the ability to communicate with many constituencies and in many forms as well as communicate to a variety of stakeholders in order to facilitate decision making and provide information. The main functions of managers in both fields are to scan the environment, gather information from it and use that information to help their organizations adapt. 这样做包括解释和解释数据, 在此基础上制定标准, analyzing various types of reports and writing strategic business and marketing plans. 简而言之, excellent written communication is an essential skill in both the management and marketing worlds.

Which courses are designated as satisfying the (纪律写作) WID requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

本201, 341, 461 and MKT 201 are designated as 纪律写作 courses for the management program. 这些课程对所有管理专业的学生都是通用的. They provide students the opportunities to explain and interpret management situations; apply management theories to current organizational issues; learn how to research, collect and interpret qualitative information; and construct persuasive arguments based on that information. Students concentrating in human resource management will also learn writing particular to their field in MGT 430.

MKT 201, 462, 本201, and 341 are designated as 纪律写作 courses for the Marketing Program. These courses provide students the opportunity to analyze and describe general markets and specific customer behaviors, 创造性思考, 开发新产品创意,撰写战略营销计划.

In both disciplines, students will receive feedback to improve their writing skills.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

在管理学WID课程, 写作体裁包括简短的主题分析, 广泛的研究论文, 日记帐分录, 案例研究, 反思和比较论文和完整的商业计划. 在市场营销WID课程, 写作类型包括简短的分析文章, 客户档案, 授课类型的演讲, 演讲, 市场分析论文, 创意项目和战略营销计划. These are the written communication tools management and marketing professionals use on a daily basis. 它们是在任何一个领域发展职业生涯的基本技能.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

Students will find a range of teaching practices in management and marketing courses. 例如, students are given a variety of writing assignments that require learning writing required in their fields. They are instructed on proper formats for writing in business academics and taught the importance of proper referencing and citation to avoid plagiarism. Case studies and business plans allow students to analyze real-life organizational issues and to make recommendations by applying theory. They also learn the importance of 写有说服力 by making a point and backing it up with data and evidence. Presentations and 演讲 give students opportunities to practice talking to an audience. Detailed feedback from the instructors on all assignments allows students to review, 有时还会修改, 他们的项目内容,以便他们学习如何改进未来的工作.

当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

一旦他们完成了WID课程, management and marketing majors should be proficient in various forms of written communication in their respective fields. 这包括:分析组织环境和市场, 写有说服力, 批判性和创造性思维, 制定战略计划.​​​​


Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest and make interdisciplinary connections. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.





The 管理及市场学系 prepares students for entry-level professional positions.

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